Marketing and customer intelligence services focus the use of customer
data to provide differentiated responses to an organization's existing
or proposed customer base. Our solution provides:
· Analytics and analytical models that enable the appropriate
actions to be identified
· Business processes - and the technology required to support
them - that make use of the analytics
· Organization and training required to operate the new business
· Data required to deliver the analytics and business processes
Marketing and customer relation
Our customer relationship management services include a full range
of marketing and customer intelligence services, including:
· Business intelligence and customer analytics strategy
Review a client's current activities within business intelligence, understand
business requirements, and create strategy roadmap to address the gaps
in the current environment to meet the vision.
· Campaign management implementation
The implementation of the hardware, software and process to meet the
campaign management vision, leveraging our alliances with companies
such as SAS, Siebel, Unica, and others.
The potential benefits of our marketing and customer intelligence services
· Increased effectiveness of targeting and customer segmentation
to optimize "marketing spend"
· A tighter ROI and measurable payback on marketing campaigns
· Adoption of new processes and technologies to reduce campaign
cycle times and costs
· Increased understanding and tracking of customer profitability
and customer behaviors